我成为我所看到的 (06/03/2021) (mp3 华语证道) – 马可牧师
Mandarin mp3 Sermon
马可牧师用亚伯拉罕从无子到多国之父的经历教导我们, Hazon异象之年,神要用祂的话语调我们的心思意念,让我们心意更新,改变我们心中所看到的画面,改变我们口中所说的话语,心里看见,外面就有了。
// Become What You See
What are you thinking every day?
Dear brothers and sisters, it is very important that we know that everything precedes from the heart. Our mind is like a projector, and whatever thoughts we may have, whatever vision we may see from within, will manifest in the outside.
Using the experience of Abraham, who became the Father of Many Nations when he was still childless, Pastor Mark teaches us that, in the Year of Hazon Vision, God wants us to use His words to renew our thoughts, to change whatever vision we may have and change the way we speak. Whatever vision we may have from within will be manifested in the outside.
What is “faith”? Faith is renewing our minds and looking unto our Lord Jesus. Changing our thoughts is Faith. When we are full of faith, we will speak it out through our mouth in faith. This is what we meant by practicing godliness.
Where you are right now today, is the outcome of what you see in your vision. In your vision, you can see your supply, your healing, and your breakthroughs. Continue to hear God’s words, and you will be blessed like our Father of Faith, Abraham!