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    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | Mark Ng | Mandarin | Chinese Sermon | Tongues | Prayer | Protection | Special Bundle | 方言—超强祷告带来超级祝福 | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50

    方言—超强祷告带来超级祝福 (5张讲道系列) – 马可牧师 (华文版)

    Original Price $30.00 SGD
    Current Price $15.00 SGD
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    Original Price $30.00 SGD
    Current Price $15.00 SGD
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  • 50%

    如何保守我们的心 (09/9/2018 & 23/9/2018) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock

    SERMON CD 虽然知道神要祝福我们,很多基督徒还是无法放下心,总是担忧外在的挑战,不断的述说烦恼,却没有办法解决。马可牧师在这两张讲道告诉我们要如何保守我们的心。要先要改变什么,才能改变外在的环境,看到神带来的突破! We know that the Lord wants to bles...

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    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock
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    耶稣赐我医治的丰收 (20/01/2019) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
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    SERMON CD 春雨恩泽之年也是丰收之年,恩宠之年,彰显之年!雨是好教导的写照,好的教导使你亲近神,相信耶稣为我们在十架上完成了,使我们能收成长子的祝福;那就圣餐和膏油所带来属天的平安,健康和丰盛。领受圣餐不是一种仪式,而是对耶稣的启示。让我们领受对耶稣更大的启示所带来更平安,健康和丰盛的...

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    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
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  • 50%

    如何活在丰盛的恩典中 (4张讲道系列) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $24.00 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
    7 in stock

     Abundant Grace 4-Sermon CD Bundle by Pastor Mark (Hokkien) 马可牧师通过这4张讲道系列告诉我们,即使失败和软弱,如何能活在丰盛的恩典中。神的话说罪显多的地方,恩典就更显多。我们的信心不是在于我们的行为,而是在耶稣的救赎完工。马可牧师提...

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    Original Price $24.00 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
    7 in stock
  • 50%

    信徒被提-在苦难中的美好盼望 (05/03/2017) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    7 in stock

    SERMON CD 被提,是信徒的美好盼望。我们可以充满喜乐,因为我们的主耶稣基督―我们的新郎就要回来接新娘−祂的教会。我们因为耶稣而成圣,而不是靠自己的能力。耶稣承担我们的咒诅,使我们得以领受祂的祝福。在这世界有苦难,但我们可以依靠神的话语,不断聆听证道,并以灵语祷告。  

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    7 in stock
  • 50%

    春雨恩泽之年 (13/01/2019) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock

    SERMON CD 2019 年是春雨恩泽之年!神洪大的祝福要在我们生活中各方面入滂沱大雨般降下。我们已经离开埃及,不要再往下看我们自己的努力。让我们改变思维,往上仰望神的恩典、供应,只需要用神的话来撒种,今年必定看到大丰收。   2019 is the year of the latter ...

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    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock
  • 50%

    跟随圣灵带领,活出丰盛生命 (19/03/2017) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    6 in stock

    SERMON CD 马可牧师在这张重要的信息里详细解释了圣灵在我们生命中所扮演的角色,他鼓励我们以灵语祷告来帮助我们的日常生活,使我们脱离困境,解除我们的孤单等。跟随圣灵带领,我们必活出丰盛生命! 

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    6 in stock
  • 54%
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | Hillsong Worship | Hillsong United | English Music | English | Youth | Christian Worship | People | Hillsong UNITED | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50.
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | Hillsong Worship | Hillsong United | English Music | English | Youth | Christian Worship | People | Hillsong UNITED | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50.

    People | Hillsong UNITED

    Original Price $21.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
    6 in stock

    'People' is the culmination of whatever is after... coming home, having a meal with family and friends old and new... the everyday that frames the ...

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    Original Price $21.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
    6 in stock
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    The Laws of Prosperity by Kenneth Copeland

    Original Price $19.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
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    There are instructions set forth in the Word of God to teach men how to live a prosperous life. True prosperity is the ability to apply the power o...

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    Original Price $19.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
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  • 50%

    如何改变生命?(10/12/2017 & 17/12/2017) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock

    SERMON CD 想要看到你的生命丰盛蒙福吗?那就先在心里看到!马可牧师在这两张讲道里通过亚伯拉罕的故事,教我们保守我们的心,因为一切果效都是由心发出。神已经通过耶稣的完工,将义人的身份和一切的祝福赐给我们。改变心里看到的,外在就会改变!

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    5 in stock
  • 50%

    心意更新、感恩安息 (11/11/2018 & 25/11/2018) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    Only 3 left!

    SERMON CD 神的应许是不被罪影响的,祂的爱像阳光照着好人和歹人。我们要如何才能安息在神的应许中,并享受祂所有的祝福呢? 马可牧师在这两张CD里分享了,当我们全然依靠耶稣在十架上的完工,不再看到自我的好与恶,痛苦的根源被拔除,心意更新,生命就要大大地改变! God’s promises ...

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    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
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  • 52%
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | Hillsong Worship | Joel Houston | Taya Smith | Youth | Y&F | English Music | English | Christian Worship | Youth Revival Deluxe Album by Hillsong Y&F  | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50.

    Youth Revival Deluxe Album – Hillsong Young & Free

    Original Price $18.90 SGD
    Current Price $9.00 SGD
    4 in stock

    YOUTH REVIVAL is the sophomore record from Y&F. They set out to progress from their debut release ‘We Are Young And Free’ by writing songs tha...

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    Original Price $18.90 SGD
    Current Price $9.00 SGD
    4 in stock
  • 50%

    什么是正确的信念 (22/10/2017) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    6 in stock

    SERMON CD 在这张讲道,马可牧师解释了丰盛的生命来自正确的信念,但什么是正确的信念?那就是相信神爱我们,差遣祂的独子为我们完成救赎大工,并相信耶稣爱我们,愿意背负十架担当我们的罪与诅咒。当信念正确,我们便能领受神的恩典,安歇在耶稣的完工,并看到我们的生活翻转,荣上加荣!    

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    6 in stock
  • 50%

    从被爱到被提 (01/10/2017) – 马可牧师 (福建证道)

    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    8 in stock

    SERMON CD 马可牧师在这张讲道提醒我们,我们的过去不能断定我们的将来,但我们的信念能。面对挑战的时候,我们是关注在‘作什么’还是‘相信什么’?通过雅各的故事,马可牧师告诉我们,当我们的生命中出现‘天梯’-耶稣,我们就成了‘伯特利’-神的家。神要我们知道我们是被爱的,可以安歇。主必定要回...

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    Original Price $6.00 SGD
    Current Price $3.00 SGD
    8 in stock
  • 56%
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | 讚美之泉 | Streams Of Praise | Chinese Music | Mandarin | Christian Worship | 泉心赞美Yeah! - 恩泉 | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50.

    泉心赞美Yeah! – 恩泉

    Original Price $22.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
    Only 1 left!

    亚洲杰出音乐人荟萃, 一张从心出发的赞美专辑, 你所期待的最单纯 最动人心弦的敬拜, [泉心赞美Yeah!] 在音乐里与神亲密

    Original Price $22.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
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  • 55%

    Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted

    Original Price $26.90 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
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    “Shannan’s story feels at once familiar and spectacular, ordinary and exceptional. You will discover that at the same time her words make you squir...

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    Original Price $26.90 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
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  • 54%
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | For The Love | Jen Hatmaker | Free delivery for Singapore Orders above $50.

    For The Love by Jen Hatmaker

    Original Price $25.90 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
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    The popular writer, blogger, and television personality reveals with humor and style how Jesus' extravagant grace is the key to dealing with life's...

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    Original Price $25.90 SGD
    Current Price $12.00 SGD
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  • 58%
    ROCKONLINE | New Creation Church | NCC | Joseph Prince | ROCK Bookshop | ROCK Bookstore | Star Vista | GT Lim | Lim Gee Tiong | Chinese Music | Mandarin | Christian Worship | 这到底是谁? - 林義忠 | Free delivery for Singapore orders above $50.

    这到底是谁? – 林義忠

    Original Price $23.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
    Only 2 left!

    主题“这到底是谁”,配上封面照片,让整张专辑充满神秘感,很有想象空间…我们人无非完全理解神的奇妙、智慧和道路,谁敢说他已经很认识神?神对我们的爱、包容、怜悯和恩典,都该让我们时常惊叹“这到底是谁”? “这到底是谁”除了充分表达我们神的伟大和奇妙之外,专辑里的多种音乐、曲风、新尝试的演绎方式等等...

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    Original Price $23.90 SGD
    Current Price $10.00 SGD
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