静默 Be Still (Mandarin) – New Creation Worship (digital mp3 album)
$11.98 SGD
Let the songs in this Mandarin worship album lead you to seek refuge under the shadow of our heavenly Father’s wings where you can enjoy the realm of His grace. Featuring 12 tracks, including six new songs and four translated versions of New Creation Church’s well-loved English songs, this album will take you to a place where you can soak up the tranquility and sweet joy of His presence.
mp3 Track Listing
01. 献祭 Sacrifice
02. 胜利的欢呼 Victory’s Cry
03. 我肃立崇拜 I Stand In Worship
04. 静默 Be Still
05. 蒙福 Blessed
06. 当转眼仰望耶稣 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
07. 看十字架 Look To The Cross
08. 祢施恩 I See Grace
09. 牧者 Shepherd
10. 祢是我君王 My King
11. 完美的献祭 The Perfect Offering
12. 献祭(无插电版) Sacrifice (Acoustic Version)