每天活在感恩中 (13/03/2021) (mp3 华语证道) – 马可牧师
Mandarin mp3 Sermon
// Live Life Thankful!
As we eagerly await the day of our bodily redemption, let us live in the present moment and enjoy the rich feast God has prepared for us. This is Pastor Mark’s prophetic word for us. In preaching God’s Word which is wisdom from above, Pastor Mark has unveiled to us the two types of revelations.
Our Heavenly Father sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for all of us, so that we can return to the Father’s House as children of God through Christ’s finished work at the Cross. Hence, today we can enjoy the rich feast that He has prepared for us. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be grateful, to be filial, to trust Him and to enjoy the feast He has prepared for us. He fights the battles for us and resolves all our problems.
We no longer are left to face death in despondency. Rather, we have the hope of redemption. This is the vision that the heavenly Father gives us, as children of God. In these dark times, God will remove the veil from our eyes and let us see His glory. Let us look forward to our bodily redemption when we will receive a brand-new body which will never decay on His return!