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祷告2.0 (28/11/2020) (mp3 华语证道) – 马可牧师

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Mandarin mp3 Sermon



爱你的主对你说:“我的鸽子啊,你在磐石穴中,在陡岩的隐密处,求你容我得见你的面貌,得听你的声音;因为你的声音柔和,你的面貌秀美。” (雅歌 2:14 和合本)祂爱你,祂要你跟祂建立亲密的关系,到祂这里得生命。 




// Prayer 2.0

Dear brothers and sisters, do you know how much God loves you?

When you have been wronged, who do you confide your sorrows to? Do you find it hard to bring it up?

Our Lord who loves you says,” My dove is in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.” (Song of Songs 2:14)

He loves you, and He wants you to build a close relationship with Him, and you have a life in Him.

His greatest blessing to us is the gift of praying in tongues. When you pray in tongues, you will feel that He loves you, holds you tightly and that He wants to reward you. He wants to give you understanding, keeping you in prayer at all times, releasing all blessings, and edifying your spirit, soul, and body.

The mouth of the righteous is the fountain of life, the more you practice speaking in tongues the more you can see the flow of living water in you. You will enter into the supernatural rest, and see good things happen!