称義 Justified (Hokkien) – New Creation Worship (digital mp3 album)
$11.98 SGD
In its traditional form, 義, the Chinese word for righteousness was written with the character for “sheep”, 羊,over the character for “I” or “me”, 我. Thus, it can be said that 義 or being righteous meant taking cover under, or “putting on”, a lamb. In the Christian context, that lamb would be Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. And it is the truth that we celebrate in this album.
mp3 Track Listing
01. 爱何等奇妙 Love So Amazing
02. 耶和华祝福满满 Jehovah’s Blessings
03. 主爱拯救了我 Love Rescued Me
04. 称義 Justified
05. 无限的爱 Unending Love
06. 因祢慈爱比生命更好 Your Lovingkindness Is Better Than Life
07. 祢是我力量You Are My Strength
08. 耶稣知我心 Jesus Knows My Heart
09. 我的心你要称颂耶和华 Bless The Lord O My Soul
10. 钉在十架 Nailed On The Cross (附加 Bonus Track)